Behind “Living Like A Palauan”

Behind “Living Like A Palauan”

Living Like A Palauan was by far the greatest and best manifestations of how I wanted to tell a story via an entire culture, custom, and way of life. This whole video was an idea turned project spanning 5 months from the day I first set foot in Palau to the day of the...
City Walks: Exploring Koror | PALAU 🇵🇼

City Walks: Exploring Koror | PALAU 🇵🇼

A nation of nearly 20,000 people, is a city of more than half that population atop an island chain of coral limestone rock islands. Koror, is the main populous city and center of the Palau island chain and is by far one of the most picturesque cities I’ve ever...
Photo of the Week: Edge, New York

Photo of the Week: Edge, New York

Sitting at a little over 100 stories, is EDGE NYC, a tourist experience that allows you enjoy a sweet panoramic view of New York City along the Hudson River. As part of my wholesome break to spend time with family on the east coast, my dad treated me out to a short...