…I don’t know what my true destiny is and what it will be. But looking back five years ago I was a lost soul. Not in the sense that I questioned everything around me. I was a person with no solid goal, no real interests, hobbies, and no clear path. I knew I wanted to be a web designer but i didn’t know how far it will take me. All I had was some basic MySpace HTML coding skill. As I progressed my way into my track I slowly picked up experience through hands on trial and error.

As I became more and more free from the pressures of college exams, projects, and school work I began to realize that Traveling is and always has been my true passion. As graduation was coming around the corner I even typed up a detailed list of all the places I intended to see and discover.

Growing up, my family brought me to Orlando theme parks, Puerto Rico, and the Jersey Shore every year which pulled me into the traveling lifestyle. But personally I have been through a lot. Divorced parents, mind manipulation, physical abuse, seeing both parents get arrested, intense aggression. Psychologically, I must say it damaged me greatly. Eventually Florida became my getaway, hence why I reside here today.

In the following years after relocating here I realized that even that decision didn’t put me at peace. This is why traveling has become my true passion. Being several states away doesnt necessarily mean i am getting away. Its not enough. I need new culture, new air, new vibe, new people, new everything. Mind you I am somewhat of a home body so living overseas isnt my ball game but i know i will happily embrace having a memory setting foot in another land that has a vast history than mine. This is my true lifetime getaway.

So this is where my past life and my career come together. As i previously stated, I do not know what my destiny is but I feel like I am really close to living it. As a web designer I have the ability to work at any corner of the world as long as I have internet access. I am currently in the work field getting as much experience as I can so I can handle the responsibilities of maintaining my own freelance business across the world. Overall it couldn’t be anymore perfect and in time I will be content and happy with a perfect life I know i was destined to have.

Living life patiently and progressively one day at a time but always prepared for the next.

-A. Perez