Sunrise in Flores, Guatemala

Travel is a free spirited privilege. Something that should not be questioned no frowned upon, at least to me. Seeing the world beyond the confines of your own “world” is exciting. It opens new doors to both self discovery or even to career paths. But not every one sees it that way, at least in America. Ethically, America has evolved into a state of work work work with very little play. Although play can be defined differently by different people, this work attitude is for real. Although it comes with the American Culture, I find myself still annoyed at the fact that I need a reason to travel. Whenever I talk about a destination I am traveling to the first questions that is asked is usually, “Oh, what is there?” “Why are you going?”. My simple and sarcastic response is simply, “Just because!”.

Why do I need a specific reason to travel. Is my desire to be a part of another society and culture not good enough? Why would I have to be a part of an organization to do this? Do I have to know someone there when I go? I honestly understand the general reasoning of these questions but I can’t help but want present a single thesis statement for them to understand. That may work in Sweden and Italy but in America, it could take a while for one single person to truly understand. Honestly, I don’t blame these individuals since like I said, it comes with the “culture”. What bothers me is what our life expectations have evolved into. I never try to make myself feel, seem, or look better than others, but I almost feel like I am one of few in the many that has woken up from hypnosis. Within my few backpacking travels, I have encountered many Scandinavians, British, Dutch, Germans, Eastern Europeans, Australians (especially Aussies) on holidays or gap years but sadly, no Americans.

America is a great country and I am happy I have been birthed in a land with liberties to even sit here and write this without considering exile. But this country seems like a prison from the free spirited world out there. Our media is so prevalent that we not only have one source of bullshit, but many. Not to forget that we are led to believe that the entire world is one big ball of uncertainty and danger. I cannot head to Central Europe without people haggling me about Ebola. My danger from Ebola in Budapest is probably just as high as my nights out drinking in downtown Greenville, South Carolina. Lets not forget the one person who warned me about the terrorism and rebels in eastern Ukraine. My danger in Bratislava, Slovakia is just as high as a shootout by drug lords in the outskirts of Miami, Chicago or New York City. I can understand the concerns of general safety but it’s examples like this that make me disgusted of what our people ingest on a daily basis.

To square one, travel is a beautiful thing. I know, understand, love and appreciate that we live in a big world. There is so much life out there that life itself is not long enough to see it all. But as long as I live, I will go out there to meet many faces, see many places, dance many rhythms, taste many flavors, experience flaws and appreciate treasure moments. If there needs to be a specific reason why I am traveling, all of that right there, is a perfect enough reason, no further questions.